“Wonder Woman” star Gal Gadot has announced on social media that she is pregnant with her third child.The 35-year-old Israeli actress posed with her hands on her stomach in between her husband, Yaron Varsano, and their two daughters in a picture posted on Monday.”Here we go again,” the caption accompanying the post on Instagram read.Gadot’s representatives also confirmed the news to CNN.Her pregnancy announcement came just hours after she presented the award for Best Foreign Language Picture at the 78th Annual Golden Globe Awards — an event that was largely held virtually this year due to the pandemic.Gadot and Varsano married in 2008. Their first daughter, Alma, was born in 2011 and their second child, Maya, in 2017.In May 2017, Gadot spoke to news.com.au about the strength she felt after giving birth.”It’s cheesy, but I feel like Wonder Woman when I give birth. When you deliver, you feel like you’re a god. Like, ‘Oh my God, I made this.’Video: Gal Gadot reveals exactly what makes her ‘Wonder Woman’ workouts so intense”The best thing is to become a mother and to give life.”Gadot first made her Hollywood movie debut in the “Fast and Furious” franchise in 2009.But she shot to stardom as warrior Diana Prince, appearing first as a cameo in 2016’s “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice” and then in “Wonder Woman” the following year.
“Wonder Woman” star Gal Gadot has announced on social media that she is pregnant with her third child.
The 35-year-old Israeli actress posed with her hands on her stomach in between her husband, Yaron Varsano, and their two daughters in a picture posted on Monday.
“Here we go again,” the caption accompanying the post on Instagram read.
Gadot’s representatives also confirmed the news to CNN.
Her pregnancy announcement came just hours after she presented the award for Best Foreign Language Picture at the 78th Annual Golden Globe Awards — an event that was largely held virtually this year due to the pandemic.
Gadot and Varsano married in 2008. Their first daughter, Alma, was born in 2011 and their second child, Maya, in 2017.
In May 2017, Gadot spoke to news.com.au about the strength she felt after giving birth.
“It’s cheesy, but I feel like Wonder Woman when I give birth. When you deliver, you feel like you’re a god. Like, ‘Oh my God, I made this.’
Video: Gal Gadot reveals exactly what makes her ‘Wonder Woman’ workouts so intense
“The best thing is to become a mother and to give life.”
Gadot first made her Hollywood movie debut in the “Fast and Furious” franchise in 2009.
But she shot to stardom as warrior Diana Prince, appearing first as a cameo in 2016’s “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice” and then in “Wonder Woman” the following year.