A Texas hospital said it experienced a summertime “baby boom” in the lead-up to July 4, with one of its hospitals delivering 100 babies in two stretches totaling 91 hours.”While Andrews Women’s Hospital is known as a high-volume delivery hospital, the influx in births was considered rare and exceptional,” Baylor Scott and White said in its news release.Beginning on June 24, Andrews Women’s Hospital at Baylor Scott and White All Saints Medical Center in Fort Worth said it delivered 52 babies in 47 hours.Then, on June 28, the hospital’s labor and delivery team delivered 55 babies in 44 hours, Baylor Scott and White said in a release.The baby boom beat the hospital’s 2018 record, when staff delivered 48 babies in 41 hours, the hospital said.Related video: Couple welcomes quadruplets after infertility struggles”Atlas” and “Daniel” were popular names for the boys of the group, the hospital said, while six of the baby girls were named “Gianna.””The hospital averages about 16 deliveries per day, and welcomed nearly 6,000 babies in 2020, including 100 sets of twins and two sets of triplets.”
A Texas hospital said it experienced a summertime “baby boom” in the lead-up to July 4, with one of its hospitals delivering 100 babies in two stretches totaling 91 hours.
“While Andrews Women’s Hospital is known as a high-volume delivery hospital, the influx in births was considered rare and exceptional,” Baylor Scott and White said in its news release.
Beginning on June 24, Andrews Women’s Hospital at Baylor Scott and White All Saints Medical Center in Fort Worth said it delivered 52 babies in 47 hours.
Then, on June 28, the hospital’s labor and delivery team delivered 55 babies in 44 hours, Baylor Scott and White said in a release.
The baby boom beat the hospital’s 2018 record, when staff delivered 48 babies in 41 hours, the hospital said.
Related video: Couple welcomes quadruplets after infertility struggles
“Atlas” and “Daniel” were popular names for the boys of the group, the hospital said, while six of the baby girls were named “Gianna.”
“The hospital averages about 16 deliveries per day, and welcomed nearly 6,000 babies in 2020, including 100 sets of twins and two sets of triplets.”