Officials weigh in on Cuomo resignation

ALBANY, New York (WWNY) – Politicians and officials are weighing in on Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s resignation over allegations of sexual harassment by 11 women, some of whom are current or former state employees.

Patty Ritchie/(R) 48th state Senate District

“It is well past time to close this unfortunate chapter in New York’s history. I am relieved that today, the Governor made the right decision to step down, which will allow us to regain focus on the tremendous challenges we face as a state.

I look forward to working with Lt. Governor Kathy Hochul in her new role as Governor, as she is someone I have known and worked with for many years, dating back to when we both served as County Clerks. A fellow Upstate New Yorker, I have always appreciated Lt. Governor Hochul’s willingness to listen, visit my district and understand the issues we face.

I wish Lt. Governor Hochul the best of luck in her new position and am hopeful we can work expeditiously to get New York back on track.”

Joe Griffo/(R) 47th state Senate District

“A disgraceful, disappointing and unfortunate chapter in the history of state government has ended with the resignation of Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who had lost credibility and whose conduct and behavior was unacceptable. This resignation was a needed and necessary action to meet the challenges confronting New York and we cannot sit idle now. There is still much work to be done, especially as we continue to confront and recover from the coronavirus pandemic. I look forward to working with incoming Gov. Kathy Hochul to ensure that the Mohawk Valley and North Country receive the attention they deserve and that our communities have access to the resources that they need to rebuild, grow and flourish for years to come.”

Ken Blankenbush, (R) 117th state Assembly District

“The governor’s decision to resign was the right one. We have important work to do and the scandals surrounding him proved that he could not effectively govern. Even though he has resigned, I hope the women who bravely spoke out in the harassment investigation and the families of those who lost loved ones in nursing homes receive justice.”

Mark Walczyk, (R) 116th state Assembly District

““Gov. Cuomo was right about one thing – his resignation is the right thing to do for the people of the state. The circus created by the outgoing Governor has been a distraction from doing the people’s business for far too long.

With that being said, let’s not lose sight that for the sake of justice, investigations into the misconduct by Governor Cuomo still need to be thoroughly reviewed by law enforcement officials. He does not get to write his own obituary. He needs to be held accountable.

As New York emerges from a very dark time, history is upon us. In the coming months, I look forward to working with the state’s first female Governor, Kathy Hochul, on ways to deliver meaningful, positive change for the people of the Front Yard of America.”

New York Republican Chairman Nick Langworthy:

“New Yorkers can breathe a collective sigh of relief that Andrew Cuomo will no longer be able to wield the immense power of the governor’s office to commit his corruption and abuse, but make no mistake, this resignation is simply an attempt to avoid real accountability for his numerous crimes. Thousands of lives have been destroyed by Andrew Cuomo and the legislature must continue to move forward with impeachment to ensure he can never run for office again.

“Whether it was his numerous pay-to-play and corruption scandals, his deadly nursing home coverup or his $5 million book deal, the New York Republican Party has traveled across the state to expose the real Andrew Cuomo, even when it was a lonely solo mission. We will not rest until the entire stench of the Cuomo Administration is wiped clean from state government and we usher in a new era of integrity and common sense under a Republican governor in 2022.”

Congresswoman Elise Stefanik:

“New Yorkers have lived for far too long under the Worst Governor in America’s corrupt and criminal tenure. This resignation is long past overdue. Governor Cuomo needs to be arrested and prosecuted for sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual abuse. Governor Cuomo also needs to be arrested and prosecuted for his criminal acts covering up the tragic deaths of our most vulnerable seniors in nursing homes.

“In addition, Governor Cuomo and his staff, funded by the taxpayers, must be prosecuted for illegally using state resources to negotiate a multimillion-dollar book deal. There are multiple federal and state laws that the Governor and his staff have broken, and they need to be held accountable. Every New Yorker must know that there is equal justice under the law – no matter if you are the most powerful figure in New York or an everyday New Yorker.

“The systemic culture of criminal corruption, political vengeance, and illegal retaliation under Andrew Cuomo was brushed under the rug for years by Democrats, the media, and the cesspool of Albany. It is a disgraceful chapter in New York’s history.

“The next Governor Kathy Hochul must purge Cuomo’s abusive, corrupt, and criminal political appointees immediately to clean house for the sake of every New Yorker.”

New York Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay:

“Stepping down was inevitable, overdue and the only path forward for Andrew Cuomo. The scandals surrounding the governor’s office have generated one of the darkest periods in state history, and it’s fortunate the governor finally came to the realization that his resignation is clearly in the best interest of New York. What’s next for Andrew Cuomo remains to be seen, with multiple investigations on a number of issues still active.

“However, as Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul prepares to become the state’s first female governor, I hope that the transition of power is transparent, bipartisan and allows the state to get back to work, free of distractions, for its 20 million residents.”

New York Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli:

“The Governor has done the right thing. New York is facing many challenges as we battle the ongoing impact of COVID-19. My team and I stand ready to assist incoming Governor Hochul as we move the state forward.”

New York Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins:

“Today is a somber day for the state of New York, but one that demonstrates our ability to build a more accountable system of government. Governor Cuomo’s resignation opens the door to a restorative future. We all owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to the courageous women who came forward and helped pave the way for safer and more inclusive work spaces.

“Working with Governor Kathy Hochul, the first woman Governor of New York State, we will continue to address the COVID-19 pandemic, rebuild our economy and face our challenges standing together. Governor Hochul is a dedicated leader, and united, we will get the people’s work done.”

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer:

“First, I want to commend the brave women who stepped forward and courageously told their stories. There is no place for sexual harassment, and today’s announcement by Governor Cuomo to resign was the right decision for the good of the people of New York. I have full confidence that Lt Governor Hochul will establish a professional and capable administration. I have spoken with Lt. Governor Hochul and look forward to working together to help the people of New York.

U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand:

“First and foremost, I want to thank the incredibly courageous women who came forward and shared their stories. They are the true public servants here. New York now has a chance to move forward and build a new culture of leadership. Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul is an exceptional public servant and will be an excellent governor. I look forward to working together to continue serving the people of our great state.”

New York Attorney General Letitia James:

“Today closes a sad chapter for all of New York, but it’s an important step towards justice.

“I thank Governor Cuomo for his contributions to our state. The ascension of our Lieutenant Governor, Kathy Hochul, will help New York enter a new day. We must continue to build on the progress already made and improve the lives of New Yorkers in every corner of the state. I know our state is in good hands with Lieutenant Governor Hochul at the helm, and I look forward to continuing to work with her.”

New York Farm Bureau President David Fisher:

“New York Farm Bureau looks forward to continue working with soon-to-be Governor Kathy Hochul as she seeks to provide stability to the governor’s office and address critical matters facing our state. She is a longtime friend to the state’s farming community and its people. Her work in Congress and as lieutenant governor brought her close to the issues facing agriculture, and she has always been open to listening to our concerns, visiting our farms, and meeting with our members at the annual New York Farm Bureau Taste of NY Reception in Albany. Lt. Gov Hochul recognizes that New York agriculture is vital to our state’s economy, local food supply, and expanding access to healthy food for all New Yorkers.”

Copyright 2021 WWNY. All rights reserved.

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