WATERTOWN, New York (WWNY) – The annual Bravo Italiano Festival is back this weekend in Watertown and preparations are underway.
Last year, COVID forced organizers to hold a takeout fundraiser.
This year, the fest is in-person and the celebration of Italian-American heritage will include delicious food.
There will be close to 300 pounds of Italian sausage as well as meatballs, Italian cookies, homemade pasta, and other classics.
Don’t forget about Italian music, dancing, and merchandise.
“The reason we started Bravo Fest is to promote our Italian heritage. The food and stuff like that is an afterthought, really, but it’s worked out well,” said John Morgia, fest founder. “So, if people want to come down and celebrate our heritage, even though you’re not Italian, you’re Italian for the weekend.”
Bravo Fest runs from Friday through Sunday. Organizers say this year they are offering to-go dishes for folks who aren’t comfortable attending in-person.
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