WATERTOWN, New York (WWNY) – This past summer was wettest on record for Watertown
In the summer months of June, July and August, Watertown saw 16.31 inches of rain – the wettest summer on record, according to the Northeast Regional Climate Center at Cornell University.
In Lowville, the same time frame saw 17.78 inches – ranking 2021 as the fourth rainiest summer there.
Other areas saw plenty of rain, but to farmers it was a welcome gift from Mother Nature.
“Right here in the Cape Vincent area, it’s been great! I would say, probably one of the best crops in years,” said Paul Mason, River Haven Farm.
Mason is on his third cutting of hay. He says it’s been soaking up the rain just enough, same as his corn.
“It’s looking really good, the ears are drying down, they’re filled out in big, full ears,” he said.
Produce has been faring well too. On Point Peninsula, Luff Farms has had an abundance of just about everything.
“We’ve got sugar baby watermelon, we’ve got some huge pumpkins. We’ve got half-hots,” said Kurt Lanning, Luff Farms owner
Lanning has had just the right amount of rain, but knows some of his neighbors have been inundated.
“We’re more fortunate than many of the communities around us. Carthage, Lowville, Lewis County, Oswego County. There is such a thing as too much water,” he said.
So how is it that some farmers got their best crops in years, while others have sopping wet fields?
“I always say it’s almost like going to Vegas and gambling. We’ve just been blessed here,” said Mason.
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