LOWVILLE, New York (WWNY) – The water supply in Lowville is back where it should be, meaning all restrictions on water use are lifted.
Paul Denise, Lowville Department of Public Works superintendent, said Monday the water level in the tank is now at 20 feet.
In August, a water emergency was declared and the village asked Lowville residents to conserve water.
Denise said the tank got as low as 9 feet.
The Kraft-Heinz plant had a water malfunction that was corrected. However, that problem led the company to draw more water than usual – over a million gallons a day.
The state Department of Environmental Conservation only allows the village to take 1.5 million gallons per day from its water shed to provide clean water for entire community. That meant the village had to catch up and filter more water to refill the tank.
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