EVANS MILLS, New York (WWNY) – A memorial service will be held for Tyler Christman, the Carthage football player who died Tuesday after suffering a serious head injury in a game.
The service is planned for noon on Saturday at the Evans Mills Raceway on Route 11.
Everyone is encouraged to wear red, the color for the Carthage Comets.
Christman, a 14-year-old freshman at Carthage Central School, was a member of the junior varsity football team.
He was also considered a member of the Evans Mills Raceway family because he raced there on Saturdays with his father and brother.
There will be no calling hours for Christman. Arrangements are with Bezanilla-McGraw Funeral Home in Carthage.
A scholarship fund is being set up in his name.
See Christman’s full obituary here
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