OGDENSBURG, New York (WWNY) – Heat, water, and electricity have been turned back on at Riverview Towers in Ogdensburg.
Parts of the high rise were ravaged in a fire earlier this week. Ogdensburg Fire Chief Stephen Jellie says the electricity was turned on a couple of days ago, while water and heat came back on Saturday.
However, Jellie says it’s still going to be 2 to 3 months until people can move back in. Jellie says having water and heat helps the contractors more than anything.
“Having electricity on site, instead of having to power everything from exterior generators is helpful. We’re still pretty deep into the winter, so having the heat on so we don’t run the risk of freezing anything in there,” said Jellie.
Jellie says the next step is to move people’s personal belongings out of the building and into a temporary location, especially for the rooms that need significant work.
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