WATERTOWN, New York (WWNY) – Gas prices are at an all-time high, and AAA says we’re heading into one of the most expensive Memorial Day weekends ever. But travelers in the north country weren’t putting their plans in park Friday.
As they waited for the rain at a rest stop off Route 81, the Reese family from the Utica-Rome area recalled how much they’ve spent on gas recently.
“Usually we budget about 300 dollars a month for gas, and I figured it out as of May 20th we’ve spent 580-dollars already,” said Gordon Reese.
Double the price – a cause for concern.
“Of course you’re worried but you can’t control it. That’s the sad part.” said Joanne Reese.
Meanwhile at a gas station in Adams, $4.94 a gallon for regular, diesel $6.49.
For Nick Britton’s diesel truck to travel the 90 miles to Wellesley Island, he’s prepared to dish out a good chunk of change.
“It’s probably a tank there and back. Probably about 160, 170 bucks,” he said.
While he’s keeping with Memorial Day tradition this year, Britton says he’s made some sacrifices.
“I mean you do go less places. We’ve traveled a lot less this year for sure,” he said.
According to AAA, this weekend will be one of the most expensive Memorial Day travel periods ever, and nearly 35 million people are expected to spend their money and travel anyway.
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