SACKETS HARBOR, New York (WWNY) – 209 years ago an empty field echoed with the sounds of gun blasts and cannon fire.
“Sackets Harbor is known for the War of 1812. On May 28th and May 29th the British invaded on Horse Island,” said reenactor Alexander Klindt.
As the Sackets Harbor community remembers those who fought for this country, not just in 1812, but across all generations, a small group wanted to walk in their shoes.
“I have a really strong connection to Sackets Harbor, and Memorial Day, too. One of my family members actually fought here during the battle of Sackets Harbor in 1812,” said Henry Brennen.
“I had a cousin that was actually killed in Vietnam. So a lot of this I do for him. To show Norman Keller how much we appreciate all he did for the family, and for the country,” said Scott Elliott.
Others walk because of their connection to the community.
“I’m just proud to be able to represent not only my community, but my whole region entirely. The whole North Country here,” said James Gray.
And some for a bigger reason than just themselves
“I think somethings that people forget how important women were during the War of 1812 and throughout the time that the Navy was here at Sackets Harbor. So I’m really excited to give a different perspective than what you might normally get,” said Suzanna Rainbolt.
As celebrations continue this Memorial Day Weekend, some will celebrate by trying to bring a small piece of history back to life.
“Whenever people come here and see me in kit, I’d liked to think that I might be reminding them of a photograph they might have of a family member,” said Brennen.
The Sackets Harbor Historical Battlefield site and facilities are open from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day.
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