WATERTOWN, New York (WWNY) – You think you’re spending more on gas?
Jefferson County is poised to budget an additional $873,000, the majority of that a reflection of higher gas prices.
The county highway department gas budget would go up by $495,000; the sheriff’s office, by $50,000; the airport, $30,000. Those are the three county departments with the biggest fleets of vehicles.
Much of the money is coming from the county’s savings, but $200,000 of it is going to pay for increased gas and utility costs at the county transfer station, which will be paid for by extra money the county is making at the transfer station.
When you set aside the extra money for the county’s transfer station, you’re left with an increased cost of $673,000. Of that, $579,000 is increased gas cost. The remainder is increased cost for other utilities.
County administrator Robert Hagemann says they weren’t surprised by the price of gas going up; the steepness of the increase “does surprise us,” he said.
Next week, the county legislature’s General Services Committee will be asked to approve the extra money. The full legislature will then take up the increase at its July 5 meeting.
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