BROWNVILLE, New York (WWNY) – Is it a state problem or a village problem on a state road? It’s a conundrum that has left one Brownville resident in deep water.
“Ever since this road was reconstructed, I guess you would call it, I’ve had a flooding problem here,” said Frances Van Brocklin.
It has been nearly a half-century since roadwork was last completed on State Route 12 in front of Van Brocklin’s home. She says the roadwork raised the street above her property. That causes runoff water to collect both inside and outside of her home.
“When the state came and I told that my cellar was flooding, I was concerned about the cellar and the furnace. They said they can’t do anything about it,” she said.
“They would come down and supervise, oversee it, but basically do nothing,” said Brownville Mayor Pat Connor.
As communications between the village and the state hit a clog, Van Brocklin reached out to someone she says is a friend and an ally.
“The drain starts here in front of, just for this section, starts in front of Mrs. Van Brocklin’s home, goes under the highway, and then follows the southern end of the road, but is a drain to nowhere,” said Assemblyman Mark Walczyk (R. – 116th District).
Walczyk and Connor are calling on the state’s Department of Transportation to address the issue and fix the so-called “drain to nowhere”.
“Franny has been very good about it. She understands that, yes, it is a state road, yes, it is in the village, but somebody needs to do something about it. We’ve talked many times,” said Connor.
“I worry about the land sinking and if I ever decided to sell, who’s going to buy it if they know there’s a problem. I want it corrected,” said Van Brocklin.
Van Brocklin says the sinking isn’t her only concern. She says that every time she sees a forecast for rain, she knows she needs to prepare for her basement and front yard to both be flooded.
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