WATERTOWN, New York (WWNY) – Jefferson County Legislator Jeremiah Maxon says West Carthage has won after seemingly wanting to pin down an internal policy change within the county when it comes to placing level 2 and 3 sex offenders at the Pleasant Night Inn.
The remarks came during the county’s Health and Human Services Committee meeting Tuesday night.
Here’s the exchange between Maxon and County Administrator Bob Hagemann:
Maxon: We already administratively changed the process for housing all of our homeless individuals by asking them what services they require and whether or not they are a level 2 or 3 sex offender?
Hagemann: Yes.
Maxon: And if the answer is yes, then as far as humanly possible we will not put them at Pleasant Night.
Hagemann: Correct
Maxon: It seems like the community has won.
Prior to that discussion, county lawmakers again got an earful from residents concerned about who is living at the Pleasant Night Inn.
Although the owner of the inn changed hotel policy to no longer accept registered sex offenders, residents voiced concerns about putting sex offenders in a village motel.
“I want to know why my backyard is being used instead of your backyard. Is your space better than mine,” said Jamie Corradini.
West Carthage resident and mother of two Justina Girrard accused the county lawmakers of neglecting the situation and urged the committee to make rapid changes.
“You have seen our community rise up. Now you have the choice to either rise up with us or just be in our way. Please make the right decision,” she said.
Now that there’s an internal policy change that keeps level 2 and 3 sex offenders from living at the motel, West Carthage Mayor Scott Burto thinks it’s a big win for the community.
“I think that’s what the community wanted and the village wanted to hear them go on record at a meeting that that policy has been put in place and it is in writing to the Department of Social Services. I think that’s a big step for our community to feel safer,” he said.
Despite this so-called victory, Burto says these policy changes are little more than a short-term fix to a long-term problem.
“I hope the county steps up and gets involved, and looks for a long-term solution to better serve the communities and residents seeking assistance,” he said.
During the meeting, the committee also passed a resolution formally urging state lawmakers to change laws regarding the housing of sex offenders near parks and playgrounds.
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