LOWVILLE, New York (WWNY) – Rain or shine, the Lewis County Fair prepares for opening day.
Vendors are set up, rides have arrived, and the cows are getting groomed.
Lewis County Fair President Matt O’Connor said the rain didn’t stop them.
“Essentially, the show must go on, because we start to open tomorrow,” he said. “Opening ceremony at 10 o’clock, carnival opens at 4.”
Those showing cattle said it’s important to get the cows to the fairgrounds days in advance.
“Just getting our animals ready by fitting them or clipping them, we do that by basically shaving off all of their hair on their body,” said Rachel Van Buren, who spent the day preparing for the cow show.
Van Buren said the only hair line left on the cows, is on the top along their back, and at the bottom of their belly. She said they usually start preparing cows months in advance.
“Showing cows is kind of like a beauty contest, so it’s our way of making the cows look the best,” Van Buren said.
Van Buren said most of the cows are handled and rinsed at their farms before they make it to the fair.
“Here in the barn is like the best life an animal could ever live, they’re queens here,” she said.
The cows aren’t the only ones who prep for the show, many people begin showing animals at as young as 5 years old.
A clinic was held on the fairgrounds to help teach or refine the needed skills.
Maya Laribee said has been showing animals since she was 5.
“They’re learning how to wash for kids that don’t know how to do that, and learning more showmanship skills how to present the animal how to clean it how to walk it ‚all that type of stuff,” Laribee said.
Laribee says she’s improved a lot in her clipping skills throughout the years, but what does she look forward to most?
“Probably just being in the barn all day. Nice and cold in here and I get to be with animals that I love,” she said.
Over 100 cows will be showcased in this years’ Lewis County Fair.
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