LOWVILLE, New York (WWNY) – From burgers to fried Oreos, there are plenty of food options to choose from at the Lewis County Fair.
The smell of French fries and grilled meats fill the air.
“It’s the pork, it’s the jerked pork steaks,” said Shaun Stanford, owner of Shaun Stanford’s Catering Service. “It’s just a staple and it’s delicious.
He says grilling plans for the fair became a bit more expensive this year due to inflation. The costs of things like clams doubling in price.
“Our profit margin is actually going to be less this year than last year because of all the product stuff going up and we can only pass so much on to the customer,” he said.
Many of those customers take a break from their usual diets when the fair comes around. That mentality is different for Kristy Nortz.
“Just something a little healthy, I guess in terms of fair food, I know that’s not a lot but that’s what I look for,” she said.
Molly Unis says she sticks to her favorites.
“These are like one of the best chicken nuggets I have had in a long time, really,” she said.
After you have lunch at the fair, you always have to have dessert and there are some vendors who have been serving us some delicious treats for almost 30 years
“They love the funnel cakes and the Oreos, they look forward to it every year, it’s the one time of the year they get them,” said Nick Pianella, owner of Old Fashioned Funnel Cakes.
So whether you have a hankering for a full meal or trying to appease that sweet tooth, the fairgrounds has a plethora to offer this week.
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