Behind the scenes of the Lake Monsters ring ceremony
2021 Vermont Lake Monster and FCBL champion Ben Tate wears a wire during the Lake Monsters championship ring ceramony
we don’t want you to what’s up? It’s my uncle, my uncle is not here dude I got nothing funny to say it’s gonna be spare of the moment. You can’t just force *** funny moment. Not funny that I’m just not that guy. That was *** funny moment. So we’re gonna start out we have *** quick quick intro, we’re gonna have *** quick video and then Rich is gonna start announcing everybody just listen for your name, come on out, take *** picture, they’ll have pictures, pictures out there and then just go to the other side of the table and congregate because at the end we’re going to get everybody’s picture but we want to keep you all together. If you could hand shake the box exchange *** handshake the body hug. The box exchange. Just don’t mess it up. It ain’t easy box shake, make sure the corner hits have to. That’s not funny. That’s legit am I need your opinion? Do I keep the sunglasses on or take them off? That’s *** good call upside down on top of the hat but I don’t mind this. I I. D. Three champion. I trust this kid. He could he could be like the worst player ever. He’s got more drifting. Oh absolutely. Just the hair alone. I don’t wanna be the first one. Yeah congratulations thank you appreciate it thank you. I do too. I had to look somewhere. I don’t know where I was looking at the kids are going to the other way do we? Oh it’s *** double box double boxed us. They knew we’d look back and taking *** swing and I don’t have an elbow, don’t have an elbow, but I haven’t opened double box double box double boxed us. They had *** double box. My number is 31 is probably like, you know, least productive. Most productive. You did? Well I had two appearances. It’s amazing. Bring back another one this year I’m saying, I think they went least productive to most productive because I had two appearances and I blew last year jimmy jimmy’s last mvp of the playoffs. Blueberry right here is the passion. Oh, we all have been, dude, this thing is heavy things actually made out of this. He bought us steaks and lobster rolls. Where’s my, where’s my camera? Yeah, I like that. That’s *** great moment. You will. Okay guys, what do we think, What do we think we’re going to vote up on the channel? Pointer finger, ring, ring, ring finger, absolutely ring finger. Unbelievable. We have the names and the number underneath
Behind the scenes of the Lake Monsters ring ceremony
2021 Vermont Lake Monster and FCBL champion Ben Tate wears a wire during the Lake Monsters championship ring ceramony
Go onto historic Centennial Field with former Vermont Lake Monsters pitcher Ben Tate during the Lake Monsters 2021 FCBL championship ring ceremony.
Go onto historic Centennial Field with former Vermont Lake Monsters pitcher Ben Tate during the Lake Monsters 2021 FCBL championship ring ceremony.