WATERTOWN, New York (WWNY) – Who doesn’t love a good teddy bear? On Sunday, kids had the chance to bring their favorite teddy bears to lunch.
It was for the teddy bear picnic, hosted by the Jefferson County Historical Society.
Kids enjoyed a picnic lunch with their family and favorite stuffed friends. And at least one life-sized bear made an appearance.
The Historical Society had been hosting a teddy bear tea party for years, but this is the first time they hosted a picnic – and the first such event since COVID.
Event organizers say this was a great way to introduce the younger generation to the Historical Society.
“We’re always looking to get more young people involved in the organization, and a great way to bring in young families is to offer stuff for children to do. And teddy bears have a long history in society,” said event organizer Suzie Renzi-Falge.
Kids participated in story time, crafts, games, and they each got to adopt their own teddy bear. The funds raised will go to the Historical Society for future events.
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