LAKE BONAPARTE, New York (WWNY) -Since we weren’t able to get everywhere in the north country to cover the storm, we turned to you to see just how much snow was out there.
We begin with Brittani Bickel, who played meteorologist for us today, in the heart of where the storm hit the worst.
“That this me is letting you know that there is a crap ton of snow. I am 5′7″ and I am not even on the bottom touching the deck,” said Bickel.
Brittani lives near Harrisville and has this view of Lake Bonaparte.
The area may have received 6 or 7 feet of snow.
Other picturesque shots came to us from South Colton and Watertown.
Back in Harrisville, Kylee snapped this shot at 6:45 a.m. Saturday morning and says there’s a five foot pool fence here, but it’s nowhere in sight.
In Felts Mills, Jennifer Weaver sent this picture saying, “There’s a car under there,” estimating 5 feet of snow fell.
Nearby in Black River, Allyson is also looking for her car under all the snow.
Maria Peck in Great Bend had quite a bit of work ahead of her to find her car.
Aaron Wringle in Watertown was half way done.
In Dexter, Ginney found hers and had a little more work to do.
Carol Brown in Carthage had help from the kids while the snow blower was also running she had one wish,
“Now if we just don’t run out of gas,” said Brown.
Heather Jones shows us a fun shot from Watertown, jumping into the snow.
Sarah Shambo shows us a shot of the kids helping to clear the snow away in Black River.
On Fort Drum, Nessa is shoveling for the first time.
Northern New York welcoming this woman from Southern California.
Nichole Spivey tells us her dog, Simpson, didn’t know what to make of all the snow.
and perhaps the best video: Laura Myers showing us her husband, making the best of running to snow blower on Fort Drum.
Remember to go to our website and show us yours.
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