WATERTOWN, New York (WWNY) – After working for 30 years as Watertown city attorney, Robert Slye is moving on.
He’s taking a job as state Supreme Court Judge James McClusky’s principal law clerk.
Slye, who will turn 69 next year, says the new job will help him ease into retirement. He says he loves researching and writing about the law.
Slye called his years as city attorney “a lot of fun” and the highlight of his career.
He says he will miss the people who work for the city when he leaves the job at the end of the year.
“I think the people who work at the city are really hard-working people, and they are good people. They are fun to work with and they want to do the right thing in their community. Even if they don’t live in the city, they want to do the right thing for their employer and they have been great to work with and that is really what keeps me going,” said Slye.
City Manager Ken Mix says requests for proposals to local attorneys who may want to fill the position will be sent out as soon as possible.
However, Mix says it could be tough to fill the job before the end of the year so someone could be put into the position on an interim basis.
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