WATERTOWN, New York (WWNY) – A half-inch to an inch of rain could fall in the region this weekend and emergency management officials warn it could weigh down roofs that are already stressed by snow.
A few calls have already happened in Jefferson County for roofs that came come down after feet of snow fell from this past weekend’s lake-effect storm.
Rain could create more problems.
“My biggest fear of this weekend is that this snow has settled. There’s a lot of weight here and if we get a lot of water, then snow will soak that right up and that can get more weight on these roofs,” said Joe Plummer, director of the county’s Office of Fire and Emergency Management. “With this kind of snow, if it’s a flat roof, that’s a problem. The flatter they are the more load is on them. The more the pitch the more that might come off. On metal, you may need to give it some assistance to get off.”
He says to keep an eye on the forecast as the rain predictions for the weekend become more precise.
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