WATERTOWN, New York (WWNY) – It’s Old Newsboys Day and you can read all about it by picking up a special edition of the Watertown Daily Times for a small donation to the Salvation Army.
Every year, volunteers set up shop at businesses like Walmart or Kinney Drugs to sell the paper and raise the funds. We even ran into our very own newsboy Mel Busler!
“You know, this is the number one daily in Watertown. Okay, it’s the only daily in Watertown. But it’s number one, and it has tomorrow’s lottery numbers in it today. So this really is an investment of a lifetime,” said Mel.
“Today we honor a man, Dave Bonney, who was the chairman of this event for 47 years. It took 11 of us to figure out how to run this thing, what Dave could do by himself. It was unbelievable,” said Old Newsboy Paul Simmons.
The goal is to raise $30,000 this year for the Salvation Army.
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