WATERTOWN, New York (WWNY) – A bus monitor caught on video apparently manhandling Indian River students on a school bus was fired from his job and arrested. Here’s a sampling of the 600 comments you sent us:
That monitor was out of control and needs to be nowhere near children.
Autumn Lindsay
Had my child acted like this I would’ve marched them right back to the bus and made them apologize.
Bettina Burden Steele
The driver should have pulled over and assisted the monitor. The whole situation is just downright horrible!
Jen Stone
Hundreds of you commented about the sudden closure of Denny’s restaurant in Watertown:
We always went there. Excellent service. We will definitely miss them.
Mirinda C Rousset
No great loss! This Denny’s franchise has been terrible for years.
Dave Johnson
I’m sorry to everyone who is out of a job because of the closing.
Brittany Ada
Changes to Watertown’s Christmas parade route and tree lighting drew mixed reviews:
I’m okay with it because I could never get into my apartment…on parade night.
Stephanie Arney
Not a good way to support local businesses.
Marie Petell
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