WATERTOWN, New York (WWNY) – Tots shopping, for Toys for Tots.
There was a big line outside of Ollie’s in Watertown Wednesday morning.
Anxious 3rd graders from Evans Mills Primary School anxiously waiting to pick out some toys.
Inside the store, they piled their carts high with toys to donate.
The students raised money on their own, according to Assistant Principal Vicki McCullouch.
“They went around to schools, they went to their families, they went to their communities, to try to just see how much money they could raise for Toys for Tots, and now they’re spending it. It’s like shopping cart dash. They’re throwing everything in the cart,” McCullouch said.
As for the kids, they say they’re happy to help families in need.
“The thing I really like about it, is I like shopping for kids that don’t really get to have the big Christmases. It makes me feel like a good role model,” said 3rd grader Mason Roberts.
Emma Wilson said her favorite part was to “shop during school hours.”
As for Abigail Ewing, she said “I like doing it during Christmas time because it’s like a Christmas gift for the people that don’t have toys.”
And Clara Pfautz said her favorite part was picking out toys for people.
The kids donated about $5,000 worth of toys.
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