EVANS MILLS, New York (WWNY) – The snow may have slowed, but the wind kept whipping.
During a lull in the storm, folks did what they could to clean up Evans Mills before the weather got worse.
“We’ll probably have to do this again tomorrow. Especially with this wind and the way it’s drifting. Everything just drift’s back in,” said Evans Mills resident Scott Clark.
Some carved through sidewalks with snow blowers while others used something a little bigger.
“This is just a normal winter day for us. This is what it’s like here in the North Country,” said Clark.
It wasn’t an ideal way to spend Christmas Eve, especially for folks that had other plans.
“I was trying to go out to the Adirondacks. I don’t see it happening,” said Tobias Speer.
Instead, Tobias Speer decided to help his neighbors by clearing snow from his entire Street.
“The snowbanks are taller than the snow blower. I’m just trying to help. They’re a little older. I’m more capable, so I’m doing what I can,” said Speer.
North Country natives weren’t the only ones who’s Christmas plans were put on halt due to the storm.
“I wish I was home. Like hanging out with my cat,” said trucker Jason Chang.
Truckers took refuge at the Circle K on Route 342. The one we spoke to, Chang, was clearing his rig before attempting the trip back to Canada as the storm slowed. He’d been stuck at the station overnight.
“It was getting worse and worse to a point where I couldn’t see anything. It was a white out the wind was blowing so hard,” said Chang.
The lull was nice while it lasted, but the snow is here to stay for now. Over the next day we’re expecting to see less wind but a lot more snow.
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