PHILADELPHIA, New York (WWNY) – Shoveling out- That is what most of the North Country finds themselves doing the day after Christmas.
“I started this morning. I thought I was going to do it with the snow blower, decided I needed the tractor,” said Philadelphia resident Greg Delles.
For Philadelphia resident Greg Delles and his son Mike, this was not exactly what they had in mind when they planned on spending the holidays together.
“It’s just like the old fashioned storms we had when I was a kid up on the farm. This is the first storm we had like this in years,” said Greg Delles.
Since the snow started falling Friday, more than three feet found it’s way to Philadelphia. Forcing families to huddle around cold snowbanks instead of warm fireplaces.
“Down to my house I was doing it probably every three or four hours just to keep up, and keep the banks back. Sometimes you couldn’t even get out there, because you couldn’t even see what you were doing,” said Mike Delles.
As the duo spends time cleaning away the snow from the Blizzard of ‘22, it reminds Greg of another time, and another storm.
“It’s not quite as bad as ‘77. I lived through that one, too. We were stranded for like seven days on the farm. This is just like a three day-er,” said Greg Delles.
A father and son going toe to toe against the tag team of Ole Man Winter and Mother Nature.
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