WATERTOWN, New York (WWNY) – Enthusiasts and card collectors flocked to the Faichney Drive Event Center in Watertown Saturday as part of a sports memorabilia showcase.
Some cards stayed on shelves but others swapped hands. It was a bittersweet experience according to event organizer Skip Charleton.
“I’ve sold a lot of Kobe Bryant cards that I wish I still had. It is what it is. You can’t continue the business and hold on to the cards as well,” said Nelson “Skip” Charleton.
At the showcase sports cards took center stage, but other collectibles like signed pucks and jerseys were also up for grabs. Prices ranged from $1 to over $1000.
“I love seeing everyone be busy. I love watching the kids go through their cards. The kids are what it’s all about. The kids come and have a good time, everybody has a good time,” said Charleton.
A surprise hit at the event: Pokémon cards. In fact, one vendor told us they probably make up the most widespread trading market in the area.
“You’ve got all the new cards, all of the new sets coming out. There’s the old singles people collect like Charizard. You’ve got a lot hanging out over here. People like to collect the actual boxes they come in as well,” said card collector Wes Nottingham.
Another collectible on offer was vintage coins, some dating back to the late 1800s, and fetching a high price. They were shown off by one Kevin Seguin whose collection also contained spoils of war and vintage time pieces.
“My dad being in WWII got me started on the military. I think my mom bought me a pocket watch when I was a kid and I’ve always been fascinated by watches,” said Seguin.
Today’s event may have been the first of it’s kind, but it certainly won’t be the last. Charleton says he’s hoping to host another similar event in the same place April 8th.
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