THERESA, New York (WWNY) – Everyone loves an underdog. Or should I say: undercat. And if ever there was one, it’s Warden.
“He came from a pretty interesting situation,” said pet mom Nanci Cutler-Feist. “He was running around a trailer park and one of the gentlemen there said he has these cats running around and this one was all tore up.”
Warden was with a colony of feral cats. His rescuers with the Lewis County Humane Society think he was attacked by a dog or coyote, perhaps protecting the rest of his colony.
“The other cats, they’re not hurt at all, so what I’m thinking is he saved those cats and he protected those cats.”
He nearly had his face ripped off. It took the humane society a month to catch him, but when they did, it was love at first sight.
“It was just meant to be from the moment I saw his picture,” Cutler-Feist said. “I’m a sucker for a handsome guy.”
Cutler-Feist has only had Warden for two weeks, but he’s already a totally different cat.
“He looked really, really rough,” she said. “He smelled a little bad and his injuries were much worse. He was very shy.”
Now, he enjoys playing, affection, and, definitely, attention.
“It doesn’t seem to hold him back at all,” Cutler-Feist said. “He’s just Warden being Warden. It inspires me seeing how beat up he is and yet he still had the will to live inspires me because things can get pretty bad sometimes, but scars heal. I love that I’m able to do this for him and we’re in this together.”
Warden got his second chance at life. His injuries will heal with time. And he’s learning how to be a spoiled house cat day by day.
You can watch his progress on his Facebook page, Wardens Watch.
And if you want to help, two other cats from his colony are available at the Lewis County Humane Society.
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