WATERTOWN, New York (WWNY) – Increasing Watertown firefighter personnel from 66 to 68 could be approved at Watertown City Council this week.
At the meeting, which will be held on Tuesday due to President’s Day being recognized Monday, City Council will look to increase the number of permanent firefighters by two and allow a temporary over-hire of two additional firefighters due to anticipated retirements in this calendar year.
Fire Chief Matt Timerman brought the proposal forward looking to lower overtime costs of the department, ultimately saving the city more than $50,000 in three years’ time.
This move would cost the city no more than $146,000.
Other things to look out for: a first look at what it will cost to operate the Watertown Golf Club and potentially hire an inspector to look at electrical problems inside the clubhouse.
Also, a public hearing will be held on the overhaul of the city’s zoning ordinance.
That will be at 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday night.
The city is also on its way to simplifying its zoning, reducing it from twelve districts down to eight.
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