WATERTOWN, New York (WWNY) – On Thursday, snow filled the streets — but over the airwaves, some looked to summer.
Watertown Mayor Jeff Smith on the Hotline WATN Thursday was asked by a listener about the Flynn Pool on the north side of the city,
“You think the pool should…?” the listener started.
“Be gone,” Smith said.
But what is the status of the Flynn Pool? Well, it won’t be open this summer.
Let’s recap what’s happened with the pool so far:
Issues were found in 2020.
Last July the city council learned estimates were $2.9 million to repair the pool or $4.1 million to fully replace it.
Then new estimates were done. One of them, for $2.8 million for an L-shaped pool and bathhouse rehab.
In November a council majority approved hiring an engineering and architecture company to provide design work.
Smith has publicly opposed a third pool, citing a decline in the city’s population. Meanwhile council members Patrick Hickey, Cliff Olney, and Lisa Ruggiero have shown their support, arguing the north side needs a pool.
Ruggiero says the design work is almost done. The next step is putting the project out to bid. If the council votes to accept a bid, construction could start this year.
“Next year we would expect to have all three pools back online again,” Ruggiero said, “probably the first time in many, many years.”
The city is now accepting applications for lifeguards for this season at its two functioning pools.
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