SACKETS HARBOR, New York (WWNY) – Although only one day a year is designated to celebrate the mothers in our lives, many choose to make everyday Mother’s Day.
Eden Hernandez and her family came out for brunch in Sackets Harbor to celebrate her first year as a mom.
“I wouldn’t have expected to be a mom this time last year, so it’s really fun and exciting. I always wanted to be a mom, just didn’t know when,” said Eden Hernandez.
She says it’s thanks to her mom that motherhood has been an easy transition.
“We had a really special relationship growing up. She always made me feel really loved, and like I could do anything. She’d helped me with anything. So, it’s really special I get to have a daughter now to pass it on to,” said Eden Hernandez.
Her husband SPC. Joe Hernandez, stationed at Fort Drum, says their 4-month-old daughter Olivia couldn’t have a better mom.
Joe says Eden goes the extra mile when it comes to teaching Olivia about her Latino culture.
“She tries to incorporate our culture at the same time by buying like Spanish books, and like Eden she cannot speak Spanish like to save her life. It’s the funniest thing to see her try and read the Spanish books to Olivia, and switching to English one day, Spanish one day, it’s the cutest thing to see,” said SPC. Joe Hernandez, Unit 1-32.
Also meeting up for brunch, a group of moms from Fort Drum.
“We don’t live close to home, so it’s nice to have a good group of moms here that can support each other,’ said Bailey Shaw.
One mom says there’s nothing like motherhood.
“I love my children. They are the reason why I keep on track every day, go to work every day, they’re my favorite people. I absolutely love motherhood, they are my biggest blessing,” said Alisha Mcnabb.
From the 7News staff, we wish all the moms out there a Happy Mother’s Day.
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