GLENFIELD, New York (WWNY) – Half a million dollars in state funding is headed to the Lewis County Humane Society.
The shelter applied for the grant in April and learned last week it had gotten the money.
The funding will go towards rehabbing the entire building including a new HVAC system and new laundry equipment.
The building will also become soundproof.
The money will also be used to build new and additional kennels, providing more needed space.
“We’ve just been full. The last couple months we’ve had a waiting list for dogs, which we’ve never really ever had before. I think all shelters are going through that right now. And it’s kitten season, so we have so many cats coming through,” said Cheryl Steiner, board of directors.
Work will start within the next three months.
The Jefferson County SPCA also got $200,000 to expand its shelter size and for a new heating and air system.
Potsdam Humane Society was awarded more than $100,000 for upgrades.
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