TOWN OF CHAMPION, New York (WWNY) – A Memorial Day tradition continues to grow in the town of Champion.
For more than a decade, an American flag display decorates the front of Carthage High School around Memorial Day, honoring lost military members.
What started with 400 small flags has now grown to what’s expected to be 2,000 big and small flags this year.
The Carthage Teachers’ Association does this along with the JROTC program and the VFW Ladies Auxiliary.
The flags go up Monday and will be on display until May 30.
“We started out small and we just noticed it driving past Seneca Falls and Waterloo, the birthplace of Memorial Day. So, we kind of stole their idea and just grew it and made it our own, and we’re fortunate that our board of education supports it. Our board members have been very supportive throughout the years and people count on it. So, it’s a nice thing to do,” said Pat Sheehan, president of the Carthage Teachers’ Association.
Flags are $5 and proceeds go to a scholarship for graduating seniors.
There’s also a section of the display for people who want to specifically remember someone with a tag attached to the flag.
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