TOWN OF CHAMPION, New York (WWNY) – If there’s strength in numbers, Old Glory is flying strong in front of Carthage High School.
What started as a Memorial Day tradition a decade ago with 400 small flags has grown to a couple of thousand flags – large and small.
The Carthage Teachers’ Association does this along with the JROTC program and the VFW Ladies Auxiliary.
“It’s a lot of work and you get a lot of pleasure out of it, and a lot of people go by and blow their horns and give a thumbs up, so it makes it worthwhile,” said Pat Sheehan, president of the Carthage Teachers’ Association.
The flags honor lost military members.
They also raise money for a scholarship for graduating seniors with community members paying $5 for each flag.
Some flags bear a tag remembering a specific service member.
The flags will be on display until May 30.
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