MASSENA, New York (WWNY) – There’s something new traversing the St. Lawrence Seaway locks in Massena. It’s Seaway Trident, a tug boat that will help ships navigate through the lock system and clear away ice during the winter.
The seaway administrator says it’s important to have the best tools available as he looks to unleash the seaway’s potential.
“What we know is right now, you could double the amount of vessels that transit through our locks here in Massena without any operational degradation or hindrance to that reliability,” said Adam Tindall-Schlicht, administrator, St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corp.
As the seaway looks to bring more traffic through, it also wants to do it with cleaner vessels – having a green shipping corridor by 2050 with low emissions on the Great Lakes.
“We’re seeing a lot of the carriers that have long operated through our locks assuming that responsibility and using their own capital, using their own vision for investment in their fleet. Our role at the seaway is to be a catalyst and a facilitator of that discussion going forward,” said Tindall-Schlicht.
As for the new tug boat, it is put to work now in the locks.
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