WATERTOWN, New York (WWNY) – Watertown City Council has eliminated a tax rate increase in the next city budget. To get there, the city will add new fees for swimmers.
Lawmakers say non-city residents will now be charged at city pools.
During its final budget session Thursday afternoon, city council agreed to use the $25,000 the pool fees are expected to bring in, and another $78,000 from its savings to bring down the tax rate from the proposed 1.99 percent down to zero.
Here’s what those proposed pool fees look like:
The daily rate: $3
The group rate which would include schools and camps: $2
The individual season pass: $30
The season pass for a family of four: $90 and any additional family members would be $15
“The fact of the matter is, you are adding two expenses, whether it be a pool, whether it be a golf course, and you’re going to have to make up that revenue somewhere. That revenue is going to either be made up in taxes, or less projects,” said Mayor Jeff Smith.
Part of that revenue will come from a 10 percent hike in both water and sewer rates.
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