WATERTOWN, New York (WWNY) – Watertown’s police department is looking to fill some vacancies and the first phase of recruitment is coming up.
There are 72 positions, but only 60 officers. It’s a dilemma the police department hopes to solve by this time next year.
“The test coming up on September 9th will hopefully help alleviate some of the loss of staffing due to retirements and other attrition,” said Det. Sgt. Joseph Giaquinto, Watertown City Police Department.
With 12 vacancies, the department is feeling some strain particularly when it comes to road patrol.
Giaquinto tells us officers are working overtime.
“People, instead of having their full days off, are having to come in and work extra shifts because we do need to have a certain number of people to meet the needs of the citizens,” he said.
You can pick up an application either in-person or online but you’ll have to be at least 19 with a high school diploma or GED.
With the application deadline of August 6 coming up, Sergeant Jacob Bull has some tips.
“The big thing to do is find online study guides. Those are really helpful to try and get you used to the types of questions that will be asked. It’s not a difficult test,” he said.
Sergeant Bull is part of the department’s newly founded recruiting team, a group that will become a familiar sight throughout the summer.
“So we are going to be out at the block parties in Watertown. We’re going to be at Mountainfest this year. We’re going to be on Fort Drum for career day, Mountainfest Day, and law enforcement day. We want people to come out and talk to us,” he said.
If you’d like to go for a police ride-along, reach out to the department at WPD@watertown-ny.gov.
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