OGDENSBURG, New York (WWNY) – Spending is down and property owners would be paying more in taxes under Ogdensburg’s proposed fiscal plan for 2024.
The plan put forth by interim City Manager Andrea Smith is a $20.4 million budget. Compared to the current budget, Ogdensburg would spend 13 percent less in 2024.
The city’s reassessment adds $71 million to Ogdensburg’s tax base. Realizing the full force of that will depend if council will override the state’s tax cap, a discussion Smith wants council to seriously consider.
Answering a question from Councillor John Rishe, city comptroller Angela Gray told council the proposed spending plan would exceed the state’s tax cap by 94 percent. She added that it’s necessary to keep the level of city services residents see today.
The property tax rate in Ogdensburg remains at $16.58 per $1,000 of assessed value. That’s down from a high of $19.86 cents in 2019 and 2020.
Even though the tax rate stays the same, most property owners will see a higher tax bill. Smith says on average property values went up 20 percent after this year’s reassessment. Under that belief, it means a $100,000 home is likely now worth $120,000, and the difference would be a tax bill around $330 higher in 2024.
Under the proposal, the spending plan doesn’t use any of the city’s savings, or fund balance.
Smith says Ogdensburg’s current fund balance is $1.7 million. Per state guidelines, it shouldn’t fall below $2.4 million dollars.
Smith is electing not to recommend using it; instead, find a way to add to it.
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