ALBANY, New York (WWNY) – New York state’s rule requiring background checks for ammunition purchases will be scrutinized by the U.S. Supreme Court.
On Tuesday, Justice Clarence Thomas granted a request for an emergency conference of the court to evaluate the new regulations.
The law now requires background checks on all ammo purchases and the payment of a $2.50 fee.
In response, Governor Kathy Hochul criticized Justice Thomas and said his decision is an attempt to placate conservative big donors.
Republican lawmakers who represent parts of the tri-county region are applauding Thomas.
Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (R. – 21st District) issued this statement:
“Last month, I led my New York Republican colleagues in demanding Governor Kathy Hochul delay her unconstitutional anti-Second Amendment action. Constituents in my Congressional District have made their frustration known loud and clear. Gov. Hochul’s state-run background check system and tax on Constitutional rights are causing serious delays and false denials. I have heard from constituents, including former law enforcement officials, who have successfully purchased a firearm only to be denied the ability to purchase ammunition. The delays are also causing community firearm retailers to lose customers who say they aren’t going to wait and instead go to neighboring states for ammunition to avoid the state registration and extra taxes. Taxing law-abiding New Yorkers and delaying and denying their Second Amendment rights must end – full stop. I applaud Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas for rightfully considering a challenge to New York’s new illegal anti-2nd Amendment law. I will do everything possible to bring this unconstitutional siege on our God-given right to bear arms to a grinding halt.”
Here’s the statement from Senator Dan Stec (R. – 45th District):
“I’m glad to hear the news that the Supreme Court is taking up a challenge to the ammunition background check and database law. I voted against this bill because it undermines our Second Amendment right and harms small businesses. Since coming into effect, those concerns have sadly been validated and new privacy issues have arisen. I’m optimistic that after hearing this case, the Supreme Court will restore our law-abiding gun owners’ Constitutional right and put an end to this ill-conceived law. We need to take public safety seriously if we’re going to take on violent crime and illegal gun possession, not take rights away from gun owners who are following the law.”
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