WATERTOWN, New York (WWNY) – Rebuilding bridges isn’t cheap. St. Lawrence County is set to take on major projects but won’t have to pay 95 percent of the bill. That money is coming from Washington.
Four bridges, along with stretches of some roads throughout St. Lawrence County are set for repair. The multi-million dollar project, a part of the Bridge New York program, allows for the roadwork to be completed with very little money coming from the local taxpayers.
“It’s a significant win for us to be able to keep these vital routes open for the traveling public, and also reduce some of the tax burden placed on the local municipality,” said St. Lawrence County Superintendent of Highways Don Chambers.
Two major projects are set for 2024. In the spring look for work to start on both the Lazy River Bridge, over the Grasse River near Russell, as well as a bridge on County Route 35 north of Potsdam.
The federal government will pick up 95 percent of the tab. Without that help, Chambers doesn’t know how the projects would get done.
“They’re both rather expensive projects, and both of them have safety components that we’re upgrading. It would be very difficult for the county to afford these projects without the assistance of the state and federal government,” he said.
Along with the 2 projects that are already on the calendar for 2024, Chambers says there are other projects that are earmarked for the future.
“Basically trying to front-load these projects by getting them awarded this time of year so that steel and other commodities that are in short supply can be ordered by the contractors so we can have an early start in the spring of 2024,” he said.
Those projects are on County Route 22 in the town of Fowler, and one outside Potsdam on County Route 34.
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