WATERTOWN, New York (WWNY) – Hundreds of north country students got a glimpse into their futures on Monday during Jefferson Community College’s Higher Education Day.
Almost 500 high school juniors and seniors packed McVean Gym where representatives from more than 70 colleges and universities shared information on their programs and answered questions.
It was a chance for colleges to recruit and students to search.
“Assistance with programs that they’re interested in, how to apply for colleges when colleges will be offering their open houses. They’re really getting the chance to just start thinking about where they want to go, and who is offering the right opportunity for them,” said Chelsea Marra, JCC director of admissions
“Previously, I received a bunch of scholarships from my school, so it was easier for me to say, ‘Hey, I received a scholarship, what do you guys have to offer,’” said Ciara Dawley, a senior at Alexandria Central School.
A financial aid presentation will be held from 6:30 to 7 p.m. Monday at Sturtz Theater.
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