LOWVILLE, New York (WWNY) – Hauntings and History are on the docket for the Lewis County Historical Society this month starting Saturday.
“We’re doing another one of our walking tours here in Lowville,” LCHS director Jonathan Miller said, “and it’s historic churches of Lowville.”
The church tour isn’t spooky by nature, despite the impressive age of many of the buildings. It’s what comes later this month that will send shivers.
“Saturday, October 21, and the following Saturday, October 28, we’re doing an investigation here at the Historical Society, at the old Masonic Temple,” Miller said. “Two investigations will be held on each Saturday, led by the Central New York Ghost Hunters.”
The building was made in 1928 as a Masonic lodge. The Historical Society acquired it in 2001, filling it to the brim with old things — that may be attached to old souls.
“There have been noises that people are here,” Miller said, “or a draft will come through that there is no explanation for, things of that nature. The intent behind this is to find out whether there’s some substance to any of those rumors.”
The CNY Ghost Hunters are no stranger to Lewis County. They’ve detected spirits before at Greystone Manor.
“Which is the General Walter Martin house,” Miller said. “It’s on the National Register, out in Martinsburg. It was built in 1805 by Walter Martin, who was a general, he founded Martinsburg. The last group we had there found that the spirits, whatever was in there, was too negative to them and didn’t want them around. They said, ‘we’re not going back in there ever again.’”
So, whether you want a hair-raising experience or an educational stroll, the next few weekends are for you to decide.
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