Marilyn Manson completes community service sentence for blowing nose on videographer
County attorney, on behalf of state. Good morning, your honor. Good morning Kent Barker representing Mr Warner. Ok. All right. So my understanding is, is that this is *** fully negotiated resolution of the matter before the court satisfaction on it. So I’ll go over the terms of that with your clinician. So on. Document number 2023 cr 0018, the defendant will be pleading guilty on the charge ID. Oh, excuse me, you will plead no contest on charge ID. Number 1894058 C for the crime of simple assault sentence to be handed down by the court will be *** $1200 fine with *** statutory penalty assessment of $240 200 dollars of that fine will be suspended for *** period of two years from today’s date. In addition, the defendant has agreed that he will perform 20 hours of community service on for these, for this crime. Um And he will provide proof to the state of his performance of that community service by February 4th of 2024. Other conditions of the sentence of the defendant shall notify the local police department in New Hampshire prior to performing at any time for the next two years. And those are the terms of this sent. OK. The, the only thing I did add is that the uh community service will be allowed to be performed in California. Where OK. Say that no object that wrong. OK. All right, attorney laws. Can you make me my first proof? That’s right on the date and time alleged in this, if this case were to go to trial, they would present evidence on the date and time in question. In the complaint, there was *** performance being held at the bank of the pavilion. Mr Warner was performing the victim. In this case was *** photographer, *** videographer who was hired by the bank of the pavilion and who was on the side of the stage and near where Mr Warner was, he was performing the song. And during that song, at one point, he approached the camera and he looked him to lend the uh spit at the camera and struck the camera operator uh with um Saliva. Uh the state’s position was that she had not consented to that behavior that wasn’t with any permission on subsequently later in the performance. Um in the same song, I believe he then approached the camera again. And this time he uh he’s expelled uh ma in his nose at the camera striking the woman again. This time, those are the facts of emotion. Ok. And is the victim your honor? The victim? I spoke to the victim prior to agreeing to the terms of this, she told me she did not object to this 24 year old. She does have an impact statement that she would like to have read into the record. So I asked our victim advocate to read that into the record. For me. I’m *** professional person and I’ve been in this industry for 30 years, I’ve worked for *** lot of companies and in all the years I’ve worked with people. I’ve never been humiliated or treated the way I was by the defendant for him to spit on me and blow his nose on me. It was the most disgusting thing *** human being has ever done. I understand this was not *** big criminal charge. He did, but I was hoping that the defendant would receive *** sentence that would be twice before doing so. So your honor, we feel that this is an appropriate sentence given the nature of the crime in this case, I understand that Mr Warner is *** person with some fame and notoriety. But in my office, I strive to treat all defendants the same regardless of that sort of thing. And so given the fact that he’s 54 years old, he comes up with no prior criminal record of any kind. Um And obviously, this was an act I believe of very poor judgment which clearly showed *** great deal of disrespect for the camera woman who he did this to. And so it is deserving of some punishment. But in this case, the defendant will be receiving *** criminal, criminal conviction and this is his first criminal conviction ever. He’ll have to pay *** fine. He’ll have to do community service. And we believe that that *** sentence of this type is similar to how we would treat any other defendant who is OK. Thank you. Bye bye. All right, Mr Warner. Can you stand up? I’m going to take your plea at this point. Is, are there any facts because this is in *** contest that, uh, Attorney Barker you wish to add to the offer of proof? Ok. All right, Mr Warner, I have here the acknowledgement and waiver of rights on the class being misdemeanor. Did you go over that for me carefully with Attorney Barker? Ok. And did you understand that form? Do you, do you understand that by entering *** plea of no contest that you’re giving up certain rights that you have? Ok. Do you understand you’re giving up the right? Uh because this was *** possible misdemeanor the right to *** trial? Ok. And do you understand you’re giving up the right to sit here and question all witnesses? And do you understand you’re giving up the right to present evidence, call witnesses in your favor and to testify on your behalf? Do you understand if you chose not to testify. The court would have instructed the jury not to draw *** negative inferences from your silence. And you understand, it would have been the state’s burden and trial to prove your guilt beyond *** reasonable doubt, with respect to all the elements of the charges. And do you understand you’re waiting the right to appeal? And are you entering this plea of your own free will free from, uh, any, uh, pressure or anyone forcing you into this? All right. So on the charge before the court, which uh docket number ending in uh the docket number you’re on 058 C, the card ID ends in 88 C. Ok. All right. So on uh docket number 1894058 C, what plea do you wish to enter at this time? The court will accept no contest plea. The court is entering the finding of guilt. The court finds that the state would have met its burden of proof and the court will impose the sentence that was outlined by the court at the beginning of the hearing. Did you want to make *** statement at all? So the court will impose *** sentence. The court does overall find, well, this is just quite egregious act that the goals of sentencing have been met with this plea given the lack of *** record and than their charges. All right, just for the record of the draw, I just want to make sure the document number is the Superior Court. Document number is 2023 cr 0080, I read this. Ok. Yeah, and the charge ID is 1894058. Thank you. Ok, very good. Ok, I guess I, I, and when I find the past uh in about five minutes. Ok. All right. Very good. Ok, thank you. Thank you. All right. Take care just of all the supplements turn. So I was in, in this car the other night saying told that you don’t have. So I still, they don’t have to be.
Marilyn Manson completes community service sentence for blowing nose on videographer
Marilyn Manson, who was sentenced to community service for blowing his nose on a videographer at a 2019 concert in New Hampshire, recently completed his time at an organization that provides meeting space for Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon, according to court paperwork. The shock rocker, 55, spent 20 hours last month at the Windsor Club of Glendale, a California nonprofit that provides meeting locations for Alcoholics Anonymous and families of alcoholics to “achieve a more meaningful life through recovery,” according to the group’s website. A certificate of completion was filed by the Assistance League of Los Angeles with a New Hampshire court on Jan. 30. Manson had to file proof of his service by Feb. 4.Manson, whose legal name is Brian Warner, pleaded no contest in September to the misdemeanor charge in Laconia, about 30 miles north of Concord, the state capital. In the video player above: Raw video of Marilyn Manson in New Hampshire courtroom when he plead no contest in the 2019 incidentA no contest plea means Manson did not contest the charge and did not admit guilt. He initially was charged with two misdemeanor counts of simple assault stemming from the encounter with the videographer at the Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion in Gilford on Aug. 19, 2019. The second charge, alleging that he spit on the videographer, was dropped. Manson also was fined. He needs to remain arrest-free and notify local police of any New Hampshire performances for two years.Prosecutor Andrew Livernois had said it was his first offense and he had no prior record.Manson initially pleaded not guilty to both charges in 2021. His lawyer had said that the type of filming the videographer was doing commonly exposes videographers to “incidental contact” with bodily fluids.Manson emerged as a musical star in the mid-1990s, known as much for courting public controversy as for hit songs like “The Beautiful People” and hit albums like 1996’s “Antichrist Superstar” and 1998’s “Mechanical Animals.”Last year, a California judge threw out key sections of Manson’s lawsuit against his former fiancée, “Westworld” actor Evan Rachel Wood, claiming she fabricated public allegations that he sexually and physically abused her during their relationship and encouraged other women to do the same. He is appealing the ruling. The judge recently ruled that Manson cover Wood’s legal fees, according to Rolling Stone.Manson’s lawsuit, filed last year, alleges that Wood and another woman named as a defendant, Illma Gore, defamed Manson, intentionally caused him emotional distress and derailed his career in music, TV and film.Video below: Marilyn Manson ordered to pay $326K for Wood’s legal costsSeveral women have sued Manson in recent years with allegations of sexual and other abuse. Most have been dismissed or settled, including a suit filed by “Game of Thrones” actor Esmé Bianco.The Associated Press does not typically name people who say they have been sexually abused unless they come forward publicly.
Marilyn Manson, who was sentenced to community service for blowing his nose on a videographer at a 2019 concert in New Hampshire, recently completed his time at an organization that provides meeting space for Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon, according to court paperwork.
The shock rocker, 55, spent 20 hours last month at the Windsor Club of Glendale, a California nonprofit that provides meeting locations for Alcoholics Anonymous and families of alcoholics to “achieve a more meaningful life through recovery,” according to the group’s website.
A certificate of completion was filed by the Assistance League of Los Angeles with a New Hampshire court on Jan. 30. Manson had to file proof of his service by Feb. 4.
Manson, whose legal name is Brian Warner, pleaded no contest in September to the misdemeanor charge in Laconia, about 30 miles north of Concord, the state capital.
In the video player above: Raw video of Marilyn Manson in New Hampshire courtroom when he plead no contest in the 2019 incident
A no contest plea means Manson did not contest the charge and did not admit guilt.
He initially was charged with two misdemeanor counts of simple assault stemming from the encounter with the videographer at the Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion in Gilford on Aug. 19, 2019. The second charge, alleging that he spit on the videographer, was dropped.
Manson also was fined. He needs to remain arrest-free and notify local police of any New Hampshire performances for two years.
Prosecutor Andrew Livernois had said it was his first offense and he had no prior record.
Manson initially pleaded not guilty to both charges in 2021. His lawyer had said that the type of filming the videographer was doing commonly exposes videographers to “incidental contact” with bodily fluids.
Manson emerged as a musical star in the mid-1990s, known as much for courting public controversy as for hit songs like “The Beautiful People” and hit albums like 1996’s “Antichrist Superstar” and 1998’s “Mechanical Animals.”
Last year, a California judge threw out key sections of Manson’s lawsuit against his former fiancée, “Westworld” actor Evan Rachel Wood, claiming she fabricated public allegations that he sexually and physically abused her during their relationship and encouraged other women to do the same. He is appealing the ruling. The judge recently ruled that Manson cover Wood’s legal fees, according to Rolling Stone.
Manson’s lawsuit, filed last year, alleges that Wood and another woman named as a defendant, Illma Gore, defamed Manson, intentionally caused him emotional distress and derailed his career in music, TV and film.
Video below: Marilyn Manson ordered to pay $326K for Wood’s legal costs
Several women have sued Manson in recent years with allegations of sexual and other abuse. Most have been dismissed or settled, including a suit filed by “Game of Thrones” actor Esmé Bianco.
The Associated Press does not typically name people who say they have been sexually abused unless they come forward publicly.