OGDENSBURG, New York (WWNY) – The 2020 audit finds there was a big increase in the city’s fund balance. City debt is down. Mayor Skelly says it’s like getting a good report card.
“I’m real happy with the grade. I couldn’t be happier with the numbers. I would give us definitely an ‘A,’” he said.
The city now has a fund balance of more than $4 million. That’s a 57 percent increase from the year before. Debt is down 31 percent.
“It’s going to open up for another 10 percent reduction in the tax rate. It’s going to open up for opportunities to build the city up,” he said.
The audit makes clear much of the improved picture is due to cuts in the city’s workforce. Job cuts in the fire department have garnered the most attention.
“You know that’s the question I keep throwing at the citizens. Do you want your house saved if it catches on fire,” said Dan Skamperle, Ogdensburg council member.
Eight firefighter jobs were cut in all. About a third of city jobs have been cut overall. But the audit is not just about the past. It’s also a guidepost for developing the 2022 budget.
There are some big fiscal uncertainties for Ogdensburg. And most of those revolve around issues that are under dispute between the city and the county.
The largest uncertainty is sales tax. Sales tax collections are increasing. But the city could lose $1.5 million in sales tax revenue next year due to disagreements with the county.
“So, there’s a lot of unanswered questions that we really need to know in order to do a good critical analysis of where we want to go tomorrow,” said Skamperle.
The 2022 budget process will kick into high gear in October. A public hearing must be held before any budget is passed.
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